Team Info

I am working on this project all by myself. Eventually I hope to expand the team and get some more professional artists and developers. However, I should be able to handle by myself until then.

Who am I?

I am the Head Koala, leader of the colony. I created the project and everything that exists for it so far. As for my technical expertise, I have been coding and programming for a long time. I got into the NFT space a couple months back and I've been itching to do something of my own since. I am not in this for the money, I simply want to prove to myself that it's possible and create a fostering community of fellow Koala lovers!

How did I come up with this?

Ever since I visited Australia a couple years ago, I have been obsessed with Koalas. This project will help me support the people who take care of them and share some of my love for them!